/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Solving a bin packing task by delayed column generation. Written 2005, 2015, 2022 by Markus Triska (triska@metalevel.at). Public domain code. Tested with Scryer Prolog. A data file needs to provide weights/1, values/1 and demands/1. For example, with data.pl consisting of: weights([30,20,50]). values([90,70,20]). demands([12,7,15]). We can run: $ scryer-prolog camels.pl data.pl and obtain a solution with: ?- camels. % initial patterns: [2,0,0]. [0,2,0]. [0,0,2]. % generated packing patterns: [0,2,1]. [1,1,1]. % solution vector (coefficient of each pattern): [0,0,1,0,13]. true. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- use_module(library(simplex)). :- use_module(library(clpz)). :- use_module(library(format)). :- use_module(library(dcgs)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(between)). max_weight(100). max_value(200). set_nth0(N, Element, Es0, Es) :- length(Prefix, N), append(Prefix, [_|Rest], Es0), append(Prefix, [Element|Rest], Es). initial_patterns([], _, _, _) --> []. initial_patterns([W|Ws], [V|Vs], Item, ZeroPattern) --> [Pattern], { max_weight(MaxWeight), max_value(MaxValue), Max #= min(MaxWeight // W, MaxValue // V), set_nth0(Item, Max, ZeroPattern, Pattern), portray_clause(Pattern), Item1 #= Item + 1 }, initial_patterns(Ws, Vs, Item1, ZeroPattern). init_constraints(D, P, N0-S0, N-S) :- nth0(N0, P, P_j_j), Max is ceiling(D / P_j_j), constraint([use(N0)] =< Max, S0, S), N #= N0 + 1. integer_use(N, use(N)). init_demands(D, P, N0-S0, N-S) :- phrase(make_sum(P, 0), Sum), constraint(demand(N0), Sum >= D, S0, S), N #= N0 + 1. make_sum([], _) --> []. make_sum([Coeff|Cs], N0) --> ( { Coeff =:= 0 } -> [] ; [Coeff*use(N0)] ), { N1 #= N0 + 1 }, make_sum(Cs, N1). camels :- weights(Weights), values(Values), demands(Demands), length(Demands, NumItems), length(ZeroPattern, NumItems), maplist(=(0), ZeroPattern), format("% initial patterns:~n", []), phrase(initial_patterns(Weights, Values, 0, ZeroPattern), Patterns0), gen_state(S0), foldl(init_constraints, Demands, Patterns0, 0-S0, _-S1), MaxUse #= NumItems - 1, numlist(0, MaxUse, UseNs), maplist(integer_use, UseNs, Obj0), foldl(init_demands, Demands, Patterns0, 0-S1, _-S2), append(Obj0, NewPatterns, UseVars), format("% generated packing patterns:~n", []), phrase(camels(Demands, S2, Obj0, NumItems, S3, Obj1), NewPatterns), format("% solution vector (coefficient of each pattern):~n", []), foldl(make_integral, UseVars, S3, S4), minimize(Obj1, S4, Solved), maplist(variable_value(Solved), UseVars, Vals), portray_clause(Vals). make_integral(UseVar, S0, S) :- constraint(integral(UseVar), S0, S). camels(Demands, State0, Obj0, NPatt0, State, Obj) --> { knapsack(State0, Obj0, ZBest, NewPattern) }, ( { ZBest =:= 1 } -> % { format("no profitable column found~n", []) }, { State = State0, Obj = Obj0 } ; [UseVar], { portray_clause(NewPattern), UseVar = use(NPatt0), adjust_constraints(Demands, UseVar, NewPattern, 0, 0, Upper, State0, State1), constraint([UseVar] =< Upper, State1, State2), NPatt1 #= NPatt0 + 1 }, camels(Demands, State2, [UseVar|Obj0], NPatt1, State, Obj) ). adjust_constraints([], _, [], _, Upper, Upper, State, State). adjust_constraints([Demand|Ds], UV, [P|Ps], Curr, Upper0, Upper, State0, State) :- Curr1 #= Curr + 1, ( P =:= 0 -> adjust_constraints(Ds, UV, Ps, Curr1, Upper0, Upper, State0, State) ; constraint_add(demand(Curr), [P*UV], State0, State1), Upper1 is max(Upper0, ceiling(Demand/P)), adjust_constraints(Ds, UV, Ps, Curr1, Upper1, Upper, State1, State) ). knapctrl(W, W*x(N0), N0, N) :- N #= N0 + 1. knap_objective(Solved, _, Coeff*x(N0), N0, N) :- shadow_price(Solved, demand(N0), Coeff), N #= N0 + 1. knap_integer(_, N0-S0, N-S) :- constraint(integral(x(N0)), S0, S), N #= N0 + 1. knapsack(Relaxed, RelaxedObj, ObjValue, Pattern) :- minimize(RelaxedObj, Relaxed, Solved), gen_state(KnapS0), weights(Ws), foldl(knapctrl, Ws, KnapSum1, 0, _), max_weight(MaxWeight), constraint(KnapSum1 =< MaxWeight, KnapS0, KnapS1), values(Vs), foldl(knapctrl, Vs, KnapSum2, 0, _), max_value(MaxValue), constraint(KnapSum2 =< MaxValue, KnapS1, KnapS2), foldl(knap_integer, Ws, 0-KnapS2, _-KnapS3), foldl(knap_objective(Solved), Ws, KnapObj, 0, _), maximize(KnapObj, KnapS3, KnapSolved), objective(KnapSolved, ObjValue), foldl(knap_value(KnapSolved), Ws, Pattern, 0, _). knap_value(Solved, _, V, N0, N) :- variable_value(Solved, x(N0), V), N #= N0 + 1.