#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" ###################################################################### # # Swap - client/server file transfer program # Copyright (C) 2006 Markus Triska triska@gmx.at # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ###################################################################### # The server listens on two ports: $list_port and $transfer_port. A # client connecting to $list_port is sent the protocol version, # followed by newline, the list of files, followed by newline, and a # list of their sizes, followed by newline. To request a file, the # client connects to $transfer_port and sends a single line containing # the file name and the offset to start the transfer from. The same # socket is used to transfer the requested data, and after that the # server closes that connection. set list_port 9583 set transfer_port 9584 set version 1 set gui 1 set directory "" # Files and sizes offered by peer most recently connected to. # Used in batch mode. set remote_files {} set remote_sizes {} set shared_files {} set shared_sizes {} set toplevel_counter 0 array set fetches {} proc nice_size {bytes} { if {$bytes < 1000} { return "$bytes B" } elseif {$bytes < pow(10, 6)} { return [format "%.2f KB" [expr {$bytes / 1000}]] } elseif {$bytes < pow(10, 9)} { return [format "%.2f MB" [expr {$bytes / pow(10,6)}]] } else { return [format "%.2f GB" [expr {$bytes / pow(10,9)}]] } } proc send_file {sock addr port} { set line [gets $sock] puts "$addr requests: $line" if {[llength $line] != 2} { puts "request error" close $sock return } global shared_files directory set name [lindex $line 0] set offset [lindex $line 1] if {[lsearch -exact $shared_files $name] == -1} { puts "requested file not found" close $sock return } set f [file join $directory $name] set size [file size $f] if {$offset > $size} { puts "invalid offset requested" close $sock return } fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 fconfigure $sock -translation binary set fh [open $f] fconfigure $fh -translation binary seek $fh $offset fileevent $sock writable [list send_async $sock $fh] } proc send_async {sock fh} { set r [read $fh 512] puts -nonewline $sock $r if {[eof $fh]} { close $fh close $sock } } proc send_list {sock addr port} { global version shared_files shared_sizes puts "new connection from: $addr" fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 puts $sock $version puts $sock $shared_files puts $sock $shared_sizes close $sock } proc quit_yesno {} { set response [tk_messageBox -icon question -type yesno -title "Quit" -message "Really quit?"] if {$response} { exit } } proc share_dir {dir} { global shared_files shared_sizes directory set f [lsort [glob -type {f r} [file join $dir "*"]]] set directory $dir set shared_sizes {} set shared_files {} puts "******************************" foreach name $f { puts "sharing $name" lappend shared_files [file tail $name] lappend shared_sizes [file size $name] } } proc choose_dir {} { set dir [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Shared directory" -mustexist 1] if {$dir == ""} return share_dir $dir } proc new_fetch_window {} { global toplevel_counter incr toplevel_counter set t [toplevel ".t$toplevel_counter"] wm title $t "Fetching..." pack [label $t.name] -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 pack [label $t.percent] -side right -padx 5 -pady 5 return $t } proc fetch_all {ip files sizes} { global fetches set w [new_fetch_window] set fetches($w-names) $files set fetches($w-sizes) $sizes set fetches($w-ip) $ip fetch_next $w } proc fetch_next {w} { global fetches transfer_port gui set skip 1 while {$skip} { if {[llength $fetches($w-names)] == 0} { if {$gui} { destroy $w } return } set fetches($w-size) [lindex $fetches($w-sizes) 0] set name [lindex $fetches($w-names) 0] set size [lindex $fetches($w-sizes) 0] set fetches($w-sizes) [lreplace $fetches($w-sizes) 0 0] set fetches($w-names) [lreplace $fetches($w-names) 0 0] if {[file exists $name]} { set local_size [file size $name] if {$local_size < $size} { set fh [open $name a] set skip 0 } } else { set local_size 0 set fh [open $name w] set skip 0 } } set fetches($w-local_size) $local_size set fetches($w-fh) $fh set cmd { set sock [socket $fetches($w-ip) $transfer_port] } if {[catch $cmd]} { if {$gui} { tk_messageBox -message "Could not fetch $name. Aborting." -type ok } return } puts $sock [list $name $local_size] flush $sock if {$gui} { if {![winfo exists $w]} { return } $w.name configure -text $name set p 100 if {$size > 0} { set p [expr {round((double($local_size)/$size)*100)}] } $w.percent configure -text "$p\%" update } else { puts "fetching: $name" } set fetches($w-sock) $sock fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 fconfigure $sock -translation binary fconfigure $fh -translation binary fileevent $sock readable [list fetch_async $w] } proc fetch_async {w} { global fetches gui set sock $fetches($w-sock) set fh $fetches($w-fh) set r [read $sock 1024] set len [string length $r] if {$len > 0} { puts -nonewline $fh $r if {$gui} { incr fetches($w-local_size) $len set p [expr {round((double($fetches($w-local_size))/$fetches($w-size))*100)}] set cmd { $w.percent configure -text "$p\%" } if {[catch $cmd]} { close $fh close $sock return } } } if {[eof $sock]} { close $fh close $sock if {!$gui} { puts "done" } fetch_next $w } } proc fetch_selected {ip files sizes lb} { global fetches set w [new_fetch_window] set fetches($w-names) {} set fetches($w-sizes) {} set fetches($w-ip) $ip foreach i [$lb curselection] { lappend fetches($w-names) [lindex $files $i] lappend fetches($w-sizes) [lindex $sizes $i] } fetch_next $w } proc display_remote {ip} { global list_port toplevel_counter version gui remote_sizes remote_files set cmd { set s [socket $ip $list_port] } if {[catch $cmd]} { if {$gui} { tk_messageBox -message "Could not connect." -type ok } else { puts "Could not connect." } return } # invoke server ==> allow connection to self update set v [gets $s] if {$v != $version} { puts "version mismatch (local: $version remote: $v)" return } set remote_files [gets $s] set remote_sizes [gets $s] close $s foreach size $remote_sizes { if {![string is integer $size]} { puts "malignant server?" set remote_files {} set remote_sizes {} break } } if {$gui} { incr toplevel_counter set t ".t$toplevel_counter" toplevel $t wm title $t "$ip" set f1 [frame $t.lst] set vsb [scrollbar $f1.vsbar -command "$f1.lb yview"] set hsb [scrollbar $f1.hsbar -command "$f1.lb xview" -orient h] set lb [listbox $f1.lb -width 30 -height 15 -xscrollcommand "$hsb set" \ -yscrollcommand "$vsb set" -selectmode multiple] grid $lb $vsb -sticky news grid $hsb -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $f1 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $f1 0 -weight 1 set f2 [frame $t.get] set ba [button $f2.all -text "Fetch all" -command [list fetch_all $ip $remote_files $remote_sizes]] set bs [button $f2.sel -text "Fetch selected" \ -command [list fetch_selected $ip $remote_files $remote_sizes $lb]] pack $ba -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $bs -padx 5 -pady 5 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $remote_files]} {incr i} { $lb insert end "[lindex $remote_files $i] ([nice_size [lindex $remote_sizes $i]])" } pack $f1 -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand yes -fill both pack $f2 -padx 5 -pady 5 } else { foreach f $remote_files { puts $f } } } if {[catch "socket -server send_list $list_port"]} { puts "cannot start list server" } if {[catch "socket -server send_file $transfer_port"]} { puts "cannot start transfer server" } set dir_index [lsearch $argv "-share"] if {$dir_index != -1} { incr dir_index if {$dir_index >= $argc} { puts "Usage: swap.tcl -share " exit } else { set directory [lindex $argv $dir_index] share_dir $directory } } if {[lsearch $argv "-nogui"] != -1} { set gui 0 } set connect_index [lsearch $argv "-connect"] if {$connect_index != -1} { incr connect_index if {$connect_index >= $argc} { puts "Usage: swap.tcl -connect " exit } else { set host [lindex $argv $connect_index] display_remote $host } } if {[lsearch $argv "-fetchall"] != -1} { if {![info exists host]} { puts "Usage: swap.tcl -connect -fetchall" exit } set w batch if {$gui} { set w [new_fetch_window] } set fetches($w-names) $remote_files set fetches($w-sizes) $remote_sizes set fetches($w-ip) $host fetch_next $w } set fetch_index [lsearch $argv "-fetch"] if {$fetch_index != -1} { incr fetch_index if {($fetch_index >= $argc) || (![info exists host])} { puts "Usage: swap.tcl -connect -fetch file1 file2 ..." exit } set w batch if {$gui} { set w [new_fetch_window] } set fetches($w-names) {} set fetches($w-sizes) {} set fetches($w-ip) $host while {$fetch_index < $argc} { set f [lindex $argv $fetch_index] set i [lsearch $remote_files $f] if {$i == -1 } { puts "$f not provided" } else { lappend fetches($w-names) $f lappend fetches($w-sizes) [lindex $remote_sizes $i] } incr fetch_index } fetch_next $w } if {!$gui} { puts "waiting for connections..." vwait forever } else { wm title . "Swap $version" wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit_yesno button .sh -text "Share..." -command choose_dir set f [frame .cn] entry $f.ip -width 30 $f.ip insert end "" button $f.cn -text "Connect..." -command {display_remote [.cn.ip get]} pack $f.ip -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $f.cn -padx 5 -pady 5 pack .sh -padx 5 -pady 5 pack .cn }